sharing christ

with a

thankful heart

All Are Welcome

Trinity is especially committed to hospitality, inclusion, quality worship and service to our community.  There are many ways to get involved in the life of our church, and we look forward to getting to know you and helping you find ways to connect to God, other Christians, and the world.

What We Believe

THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH shares a great deal with other Christian denominations. The United Methodist denomination is a "big tent" theologically, providing space for theological discourse and, at times, disagreement. Like many other Christian groups, we affirm the beliefs expressed in the Apostles' Creed.   

Join us for Worship Live:

Join Us For Our Summer Book Study:

How can the U.S. make equal opportunity a reality for all people and thereby reduce poverty and advance social justice? That is the topic of a summer study at Trinity United Methodist Church led by Harlan Beckley, a long-time Trinity member, author, professor and founder of Washington and Lee University’s Shepherd Poverty Studies Program.
The public is invited to take part in the study which will take place from 8:45-9:45 am on Sundays in Trinity’s fellowship hall from June 2 to Aug. 11 (except June 9). Discussions will center around the key ideas in Beckley’s latest book Rethinking Equal Opportunity: Dignity, Human Capability, and Justice. In this work, Beckley provides an in-depth exploration of equal opportunity as a crucial component of achieving justice in society.

The book delves into what equal opportunity truly means and how it relates to human dignity and our capabilities as individuals. It examines the far-reaching implications of ensuring equal opportunity across various institutions, policies, and practices that shape our daily lives.
The book is available locally at Downtown Books ( and the W&L University Store, at, and via the publisher with a 30% discount, Registration is not required, and it is not necessary to purchase the book to attend the class.

Trinity United Methodist Church is located at 147 S. Main St., Lexington. The fellowship hall is located on the ground level via the accessible rear entrance off the back parking lot. For more information contact the church office at 540-463-4053 or  
Trinity UMC is proud and excited to announce we are now a “Bridge Church”. If you are committed to remaining United Methodist but your church has disaffiliated,
you are welcome to come to Trinity to have a safe space to meet, worship and heal. Whether it’s for just a while or forever… YOU ARE WELCOME.